Thursday Thoughts

1st Samuel 18:14 “In everything he did he had great success, because the Lord was with him.”

So often when studying David, I cannot help but picture an attachment. There was such a strong connection between the Lord and David, which led to the great success in which he experienced. How can the success of David be explained other than the Spirit of the Lord working in him and through him? As we think of David as a young boy, here was a young man who served not only as a shepherd, but he also played the harp. Not only did he have the ability to kill a lion and a bear if they threatened his flock, but he would also sit down and play music to soothe the soul of King Saul. This was a gifted individual applying the skills in which God had given him.

Success is what we all are seeking to achieve in our life. The teaching of the Bible makes it very clear that apart from God we will achieve nothing (Jn 15:5). As an example, what was the eventual downfall of King Saul? He refused to obey the commands in which God had given. He thought his way of compromise would be better. And as a result, the Spirit of the Lord left him (1 Sam. 16:14). Yes, there are moments when even non-believers may rise up and flourish. There is common grace given to all men by God. But, can it be sustained? No. One of the main reasons for the lack of sustainability is perspective. When an individual receives great blessing and success, watch and see how they respond. Will they give glory to God? Because, He is the One responsible. Or, will they believe they themselves had something to do with it. You see, over time, when a persons worldview centers around themselves, they will compromise Biblical truths much the same way Saul did. The common grace will be mistaken for human achievement. The attachment will be broken, and failure is the end result. I encourage everyone today to understand where success truly lies. Success comes in the form of attaching yourself to our King and Creator. In everything David did he had great success. Why? Because the Lord was WITH him!

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